Today, I write to you on troubling subjects. We often find
ourselves unable to discuss certain topics in a civilized manner. Most of us
tend to shy away from these issues the moment they are brought to light. We
make excuses to have these pressing topics slide onto the bottom of our “to-do
lists,” where they remain as long as we can keep them there. We fill our minds
and hearts with denial; we reject the notion that there is something we can do
about these challenging subjects.
Before I begin the discussion, I want to make a few suggestions
of things to keep in mind. The first is to not lose hope. Keep your thoughts
positive, remember your strengths and stand for your convictions. Be you, be
real, and be honest. Stay courageous so that those who follow you can be proud
of the battles you fought. And finally, believe.
Now for what you don’t want to hear; we are very quickly
bringing upon us our own destruction. We all have failed to improve humanity,
save the planet, and love one another. I’m not trying to fill your head with
conspiracies or put you in some depressive state. I’m not pointing fingers at
anyone specific or saying we’re already damned with no mercy. What I am saying
is how close we are to not being able to turn around; we need to take responsibility
for our actions NOW.
By “we,” I am talking about all Americans, all Europeans,
and all consumers. We are robbing, pillaging, corrupting, raping, destroying,
and terrorizing all the nations of the world. We use, abuse, neglect, punish,
and hurt those who are less fortunate than us. We take part as a group of
people consisting of less than 10% of the world’s population who are rapidly siphoning all of Earth’s most precious gifts. We bankrupt other nations so that
they must sell their natural resources to us. We force the citizens of these
countries to work for less, live with less, and smile less in order for us to
have more, even if it’s barely more.
We allow the murder of millions of unborn children. We starve the hungry, we manipulate the innocent, we strike the weak, we take from the poor and give to the wealthy. We tolerate the unjust, we ridicule the broken, and we mock the wise. We are fools.
Don’t lose hope.
We think we’re the powerful thinkers and doers of the world
because we want new and better technology. We constantly fool ourselves into
thinking we’re “green” and “global warming” conscious. Our hybrid cars cost the
environment more raw materials to mine, ship, produce, and put on your driveway
than saving that little bit of gas over 20 years. When we think we’re being
sufficient with the new organic products we use, we aren’t looking at its
impact 50 years from now. Our “organic” foods at the grocery stores are far
from organic and natural. The chemicals replaced to help grow these foods may
not be as harmful to our bodies and earth as quickly, but the amounts they use
have a very destructive impact in the future. We are blind to the effects that
our decisions will have on upcoming generations. We see a problem today; we fix
it for the day.
Every three years, 200 million more souls are on this
planet, and that will only increase over time. That means more users, more
consumers, more mouths to feed and more that need saving. Over-population is a
very real threat which needs to be discussed. Everyone should be aware that at
the rate we are going, in 500 years, there will be no surface on this world
without a human being standing there. In 700 years, the mass of people will
equal the mass of the earth. If we don’t start thinking about our actions now, then
our beloved and blessed planet God gave to us will no longer able to sustain
life. Not because she dried up, but because we bled her to death.
There are three ways most scientists and futurists want to
keep this from happening. Those options are to colonize another planet, change our genetic
code to adapt to a changing world, or decrease population to half or even one
third of what it is today in order to preserve our natural resources and let
the earth heal. I disagree with each of these on moral and biblical standards.
Colonizing another planet means to run with our problems
elsewhere. We will only be delaying the inevitable destruction of our species;
not to mention to the amount of elements we’ll have to consume in order to move
away from earth. Manipulating genetics has been a topic under severe scrutiny
for some time now. While the science is there and it has been proven to work on
a very small scale, the dilemma we face playing god is that we don’t have the
morals of God or the foresight of its impact on society and human nature. We
take away the slow progression of adapting to positive change and rush into the
unknown. Is this not already a very clear sign of where we’ve come from over
the last 200 years? And finally, a drastic decline of world population can only
happen from man-made causes. Those being war, famine, or disease. This is unacceptable
and with no love to be found there.
Don’t lose hope.
Our selfishness has caused the downfall of most nations, and
soon to be our own. We are printing paper with ink on it and calling it as good
as gold. We use these "currencies" that have no real value to determine the worth
of our nations and societies. We spend money on jewelry, video games, and the newest gadgets while thinking these possessions make us better people. We take,
buy on credit, lie, cheat, hide, and scam our way to the top of the pyramid. We
have become hollow and dangerous to ourselves. We push away those in need; the
people who have less are worth less. We don’t give credit where it’s owed and
we certainly don’t appreciate what we have.
Our governments have too much power because we gave it to
them. Our politicians lie to our face because we let them. Our companies are
monopolies with full control because we like cheaper prices. The people of
third world countries hate us because we kicked them when they were down.
Believers are losing their faith because we just don’t care.
Don’t lose hope.
Don’t stop believing. It’s not too late to save what we have
left and fill all the nations of the world with love. If we have all followed this
corrupt “progress” together then we can all follow it back to who we once were.
For thousands of years, people were hunters and gatherers, families and friends
helping each other.
Empires forgave debts to reset the economy. The people had a voice and
the earth was alive. We all have to make the choice to live better lives, so
that our grandchildren may know what a real farm grown tomato taste like.
It all starts with you. Do it for you, do it because you
know you’re better than to just settle for the way things are. You are the
change this world needs. Eat healthier, grow your own garden, and educate
yourself in the ways of what is truly organic. Walk, ride a bike, the bus, or
train more. Carpool, eat at home, save driving for when it’s needed not because
you’re bored. Turn your lights off when you leave home; invite the less
fortunate to share a dinner in your “palace.” Recycle, because it’ll take you a
while to learn how to not have things to recycle. Share, use less, be conscious and
grateful to the thousands of people that make your day enjoyable. Pray in thanks
for the workers who made your clothes, shoes, grew your food, and gave up their
mountains so we can have precious metals in our phones that are so cool. Make a
I forget where I heard this quote, but it goes, “Every time
we learn from history, the price goes up.” We are all to blame for the
direction our hurting world is going. We must not be ignorant, must not
neglect, and must not be destroyed for lack of knowledge. We must rise up,
fight for what is right, defend the weak and sick and learn to love others.
Today, I ask you to give yourself a life changing challenge.
There are many different ways to start helping for a better future, but take it
on steps. Don’t shock yourself into creating a whole new lifestyle overnight,
it won’t work; trust me. Instead, divide and conquer. I’m not recommending living
on the streets or in the wilderness to be more “green.” You shouldn’t feel
obligated to pass on the millions of luxuries you use daily. Instead, use what
you possess for good. You have talents and skills God gave you that are unique
to you, put them to use by helping others. I believe we are extremely blessed
to be living well in a place with all the provisions we could ever need within arm’s
reach. You’re never too young or old, never too broke or too tired to share
your love. So do some good with your situation and don’t lose hope.
Please don’t misunderstand me; I don’t have the answers to
specific scenarios, the cure for all diseases, or how to bring peace into all
Everyone is different and each person has their own walk in this life. However;
I do know that 90% of diseases are caused by a combination of stress and an
unhealthy diet. I know turmoil is brought about by rash decisions and lack
of understanding. Only love can prevent and truly cure the misfortunes of the
It has taken me years to find the proper motivation to live
a better, selfless life. You need to find that motivation and make it an
obtainable goal. My motivation for fighting for the future of the world and for
nations to unite under His love, are for my children.
I don’t know my future wife yet, and I do not currently have
children. I am not even sure how I feel about bringing children into this
world, but nonetheless; I will do everything through the power of Jesus Christ
to provide for them a beautifully rich and thriving world to be a part of. To
enable them to go out into far lands and see the joy that resides there. To
know their children will have a great future because of the effort we put forth
Whatever your motivation; may it be for your loved ones, for
yourself, out of respect for others, or because the Lord just loves you so much;
make an outstanding change to increase the wellness of earth and the joy of all
If you are interested in learning more, curious for knowledge, and eager for experience, then please release your possessions, drop your obsessions and share your money. Besides going out and learning about a strong life on your own, get a good start by taking part in outreach programs in your local communities and churches.
There are many great books out there to help you find influence in making a difference and living a healthier better life for the Lord and as a caring citizen. The Bible is the most obvious and perfect one; others would be Before You Do by TD Jakes, Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller, Ideas & Opinions by Albert Einstein, and Wild At Heart by John Eldredge. You can also watch some decent documentaries called 180 the movie, Food Matters, Food Inc., Forks Over Knives, Surviving Progress, Payback, Freakonomics, and The Most Important Video You'll Ever See Parts 1-8 on YouTube and many more.
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