Thursday, March 29, 2012

Donation Period Video Updates

Here are some updates I have made for the last 2 weeks of the donation period. If you'd like to donate, receive rewards for supporting and learn more about the project, please go to:

The first video below was the first one I made for the project. It is pretty rough, but it was a trial-and-error type of video. The videos go in descending order from 14 days left to donate until closer to the end of the donation period.

For more of these video updates, go to Thank you!

Monday, March 26, 2012


None of this is set in stone, talking about beings that live amongst more dimensions than we can imagine is difficult to describe. A lot of this is Biblical interpretation and a gathered view of others' opinions.
Please do your own research and ask the Lord for guidance and understanding in this subject. I do not share these as facts, except for the more obvious interpretations of the verses that follow.

To those who keep a "new age" mindset; if you have ever questioned the existence of aliens or UFOs, the answer is yes they're very real, but they are demons, fallen angels and a work of Satan, for the most part. Any others that do not fall into the category of deception by Satan, are indeed Angels and other beings created by the Lord to help our journey with Him, but these ones will make it very clear that is why they are here, they are bound by Law from the Lord. But as a warning, do not seek them out or praise them; all beings, good and evil, are not God, you will know without a doubt when you are in His presence.

There are many religions and faiths that describe angels. One of the more obvious ones is Greek "mythology." Their gods and goddesses, Titans and hybrids(Chimaera) were based on real fallen angels, they're demonic offspring and they're lies they told to man. The only true examples of angels and fallen angels come from the Bible, mostly old Testament. With the Word of God at hand, we can see classes of these beings. If we were to accept a "classification of angels," what Christian theologians have put together as "Angelic Choirs," dating back to 300AD, can make a little more sense. It is based on powers and traits and the type of work Elohim tasks them with.

Remember, read the verses I used to understand where we get these descriptions.
First Choir
Seraphim, "burning ones" with six wings, dedicated to praising the Lord, "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; The whole earth is full of His glory!"
Isaiah 6:1-7
Cherubim, four faces (man, ox, lion, hawk or eagle) and four wings covered in eyes, (wheels within wheels?)
Genesis 3:24, Exodus 25:17-22; 2 Chronicles 3:7-14; Ezekiel 10:12-14,28:14-16; 1 Kings 6:23-28; and Revelation 4:6-8
Guardians of the tree of life. Some say Satan was a Cherubim since he was tasked to be present at the Garden of Eden. Which may also be why he is sometimes described with having cloven hooves.
Thrones, "Elders", "Erelim", "Ophanim"
Colossians 1:16, Revelation 11:16
Ophanim (ofanim or "Wheels" or "gagallin", fiery or burning fire) Daniel 7:9, Ezekiel 10:17; in medieval Renaissance, paintings of these show up, but many confuse them as being UFOs when looked at today.
These three never sleep, stay in the presence of God and guard His throne. They are justice and authority of God. Even translated at times as the beings that make up His throne, His chariot. May even inspired Elohim's creation of the clouds (nebula) in the universe that birth stars in our physical realm. The latter not being a Biblical inspired interpretation, but an interesting analogy nonetheless.

Second Choir heavenly governors
Dominions, "Lordships" our average view of angels; men with feathered wings with a bright orb scepter and shining swords, but these "Lordships" can also delegate tasks from the Lord to other angels.
"Virtues", "Strongholds", who seem to be the "police" or "civil servants" of the order of the universe. Ephesians 1:21
Powers (potestates or "Authorities"), have clerical duties and are warriors (I think of them as Shaolin monks in a way, dedicated to their faith, but prepare for violence in order to protect that faith). Ephesians 3:10
These angels may also be the overseers of the power given to kings, presidents, etc. Also suggests that some of them became "fallen angels"

Third Choir messengers and soldiers
Principalities, or called "Princes" or "Rulers" in the spiritual meaning of the words. Sometimes referenced as "Watchers." Often do work with the Powers.
Daniel 4:13-14; "an holy one" suggests that some Watchers were not aligned with God, could be that some became "fallen angels"
They have been thought to be the ones who bring blessings to humans in the material world. Also thought that these are the "guardian angels" we think of.
Archangels (rav-mal'ákh in Hebrew means chief angel), fit into this Choir, first rank or most power among angels. Michael and Gabriel are Archangels
1 Thessalonians 4:16, Jude 1:9
The Bible only refers to Micheal as "one of the chief princes." The word "prince" is sar in Hebrew, which means "a head person (of any rank or class), a chief, a general etc." Others may look at the Book of Tobit (Tobias) for angels, in which case Raphael tells Tobit he is one the seven Archangels who stand before the Lord. At times, Uriel shows up as another Archangel. His name means "Fire (or Light) of God." They may also be one in the same as the seven spirits of God that stand before the Throne, see Revelation or Book of Enoch. It is said that Micheal is the head of all angels, he took Satan's position after the fall. Micheal is also the angel in charge of the affairs of Israel and Elohim's Chosen People(Jews). Archangels also make it their duty to watch over the affairs of nations; political, military, commerce and trade.
No angel should be seen as a woman. All verses pertaining to angels use the masculine form in Hebrew. Any image or text of a female "angel" is a manifestation of Lilith. She is the female counterpart to Satan. I'll write more about "her" and her role another time.

The existence of angels in undeniable when one recognizes and accepts the Lord and Jesus as their Savior. If one believes in God, then one cannot deny the existence of Satan in our world. Hence, Satan being a living creation from the Lord, then angels and demons and spiritual beings also exist as a part of God's many magnificent creations. I'm not saying the Lord directly created a demon, or how we think of them, but He did make other beings with "freewill" similar to ours. Fallen angels had a choice at one point, but they are not open to the same redemption and mercy that Elohim bestows upon us; for they cannot even deny Him, they are a part of a realm more than ours. With that in mind, we understand why God holds us as a higher creation than them. For we are away from Heaven in a physical world and yet still choose between good and evil, to praise the Lord and live for Him. The whole reason for the fall of 1/3 of all angels was because of human beings and the Love Elohim poured over us. Now look back at those Choirs and see how their tasks and jobs directly relate to our (human beings') relationship with Elohim, our Creator, Bara, Lord of the heavens and earth.

Paul's reference to fallen angels, in context to religions that use human sacrifice, cannibalism, sexual impurity, etc.:
"For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places." Ephesians 6:12
This is why I believe "aliens" exist, but not as the New Age movement casts a light upon them. Aliens are demons, fallen angels, and supernatural beings. I do believe a small amount of aliens seen can be holy angels doing the Lord's tasks.

Throughout all of time, fallen angels have fed evil into humanity. They jump started civilizations by teaching about herbs, jewelry, fashion, erotic sex, and other things man would have taken thousands of years to fine tune. Many world religions were based on fallen angels as their "gods." Satan is the master of lies. Remember, his oldest lie that he still uses today, is that we can become like gods.
Keep in mind that not all forms of religion, sin, and Spiritual impurity are directly related to fallen angels; human freewill can be a dark twisted thing on its own.

Referenced Verses

Isaiah 6:1-7; Genesis 3:24; Exodus 25:17-22; 2 Chronicles 3:7-14; Ezekiel 10:12–14, 28:14-16; 1 Kings 6:23–28; Revelation 4:6-8; Colossians 1:16; Revelation 11:16; Daniel 7:9; Ezekiel 10:17; Ephesians 1:21; Ephesians 3:10; Daniel 4:13-14; 1 Thessalonians 4:16; Jude 1:9; Ephesians 6:12
More Verses
1 Corinthians 7:10; 1 Enoch 10:9; 1 Enoch 7:2-6;
(Fallen angels sharing forbidden knowledge; Nephilim, Rephaim, giants, sins of fallen angels) 1 Enoch 8:1-4; 1 Enoch 12:1-6; 1 Enoch 15:3-12; Deuteronomy 4:14; Deuteronomy 18:9-12; Leviticus 20-6; 2 Chronicles 33:5-6; Jude 1:6-8

Side note: The Book of Enoch is not in the Bible for a few reasons; therefore I do not hold it as a Holy book, but when I read Genesis 5:24, 15:3-29, I see that he was a man the Lord blessed and has much to share. Just like any mentor or pastor, I believe the book was a blessing and plays a role, but not a key to our walk in Faith such as the Bible. BTW, the book is not credited to be written by Enoch, the son of Cain and an evildoer, but credited to the Enoch referenced as a descendent of Seth. Big difference, know your Biblical genealogy, you'll understand a lot more about the way God works. And the verses say "he was with God, then he was not," meaning God did not give Enoch physical death, instead God brought him to Heaven when the time was right.

Book Reference
Angel Wars
by Stephen Quayle, pages 44 and 45
Article Reference
Hosea 4:6
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge...

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Aching For Adventure

We make living difficult, it can be easier

As I'm preparing to move out of my apartment and into my parents' house for 3 weeks while I get ready for the Appalachian Trail, I've come to realize a very important scenario. I will be living out of a backpack for 5 months at a time; no TV, car, bed, computer, junk food, comfortable couches, coffee with friends, movies with my girlfriend, long nights talking with my dad about politics and faith, and no playing with my siblings. WOW! I'm giving up a lot to follow my heart and learn what it means to be a man of God.

Over the last month, I sold my gorgeous 42" Panasonic Plasma TV, Blu-Ray player and movies. I'll be handing off electronics, furniture, art supplies, and a massive collection of movies. Goodwill and the Ark will love all the clothes I'll leave with them. I'll have no kitchen, bathroom, or SHOWER! Okay, so now we're all thinking the same thing; this is not what it takes to become of a man of God. I don't see millions of young Christians dropping their luxuries to spend time with the Lord.

This isn't what it takes, everyone walks their own path in their own way, the way that works for them. My way just so happens to be drastic and slightly exaggerated compared to most people. This is what it takes for me to go where the Lord is asking me to go. It can be done and I'm finding out that it's easier than it seems.

I don't miss my TV, I miss using the gear in my backpack and staring at the stars all night. I miss silence, the "quiet" of the outdoors, the simple life of providing necessities day-by-day. My heart aches for this adventure, it yearns for the experiences ahead, and begs to learn what you can only be a part of. This is who I am. I choose to be without the thousands of luxuries we take for granted each day. I want to learn how to live and survive with less. To see the Lord away from all the distractions.

Jesus, Paul and Moses walked in the wilderness. They spent months, years and decades away from home. They traveled from city to city, culture to culture seeing the Lord's hand at work all across the world. That is something that has caught my attention since I was kid. I remember hearing of Jesus' life when he was boy, then, all of a sudden, he was 30 and began a world changing ministry.

For years I wondered: Where did he go? Who did he meet? Why was he away from home so long? Why were his parents not calling a search and rescue team??

Finally, it hit me. Jesus didn't vanish, run away, or wander aimlessly until he found what he was looking for. He was living, learning, experiencing what life was like as a man in this world. He came across other religions, science, strange cultures, and lost kingdoms. He grew-up and just so happened to realize what exactly he was called to do. He became the perfect man of God that he was created to be. 

Jesus, Paul and Moses didn't live in luxury or abound in the treasures of this world. They found beauty outside of the "civilized" way to live. Their master was the Lord Almighty, and their path was to spread the love that God showed them. They are my motivation, to live like Jesus is my reason (almost literally), and to share Elohim's love is my cause.

Where does TCWPJ fit into all of this? It is my outreach, my connection to the modern world. I was born in a time and place where billions of people across the world fall short, like myself, but we all need a little reminder here and there why we live for the Lord. We were given dominion of the beasts of the fields, fish of the sea, and birds of the air. This is our land, our home. Let's take back from evil what is rightfully ours.

Here's a challenge for you: Once a week, give up one thing that you enjoy. 
Something that means a lot to you, but you know you can live without. Try some of these: Internet, cell phone, TV, driving in your car, eating out, video games, soda. If you think can't live without it, "friends need to reach me," "I'll miss my show," "I have errands to run," "junk food is quick and saves time," you'll find that YOU CAN LIVE WITHOUT whatever it is. It'll be there for you tomorrow, things will work out. You'll better appreciate what you have, trust me. I've gone months at a time without a phone, without internet, and without my own car. And now, I'll be unable to contact those close to me for weeks at a time, no warm bed, no long nights in front of a screen, and no distractions from a simple way to live.

In the comment box below, share experiences you had without a luxury you took for granted, but chose to be without...

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Pictures around CO

Find more at or under Liparulo21.